Teaching practice of the university professor: learning context
Paraules clau:
teaching training, university profesor, teaching practiceResum
Institutions of higher education (IES by its letters in Spanish), generally hire their professors without having proper teaching training which help them to perform such task. As a result, this paper sets an analysis from research which makes reference about professional practice of the university professor in the current context of institution of higher education in order to identify if it is a proper context where teaching may take place, all the above leads to inquire how teaching practice represents a learning context which benefits the university professor training?. In order to answer the previous inquire a theoretical foundation was done, which sustains that teaching practice is a learning context to the professor, in synthesis the teachers, perform in a social context which mediates their behavior that it tangible as the professor acquires knowledge as develops the teaching process phases. Such mediation helps teachers go through learning by discovery, as facing a practice which it is not formed from their profession. Also it achieves a cooperative learning through interaction and contributions from other teachers. In conclusion, the teaching practice of university professors represents a learning context because it is a scenario which may arise mediation resources that benefit the professor. The proposal is that teachers are made aware of this stage of learning; in order to potentiate the teaching faculty practice, however in turn impact on teacher education in this educational performer. In this regard, the suggestion would be that those responsible for institutional action for teacher training of teachers reflect in particular on the actions or strategies which help for the teacher to form as professor.
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