Personal enrichment and support program


  • Pablo de Andrés Zabaleta
  • Mª Carmen Marina Renes
  • María Fernández Hawrylak


In our article, we present the experience that is being carrying out in Círculo
Católico School, in the city of Burgos, with a group of high school students, their teachers
and their families. The project consists of some meetings whose aim is to complement the
work developed in the classrooms, in order to foster the whole education and training of
the students. On the one hand, the teachers and the different groups of students get
together, and on the other hand the students’ parents and teachers get together, too. The
formative subjects or topics are carried by general consent beforehand among the
different parts. The themes have a theoretical and a practical part. The idea is that as they
are. We don’t want to lead our students’ lives along the easiest ways, but we want them to
be ready to face any paths. It is necessary for them to prove their real capacities, avoiding
suffering before any difficulties, which without any doubt, that will come up in their lives.
We hope that each issue or topic will be as a small victory, a tiny discovery, which allows
parents, teachers and students, to face their future ways and crossroads much better and


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