Tools for research on ICTs. Case studies


  • Julio Ruíz Palmero University of Málaga

Palabras clave:

research methodology, tools, tic, content analysis, qualitative evaluation


This article aims to show the potential of some information gathering tools for the qualitative study and quantitative research in specific cases and assessing the impact of ICT in education.
Techniques are displayed in a row for the development of tools for gathering information in different cases, also providing the methodology followed. The case studies are consistent with research conducted within the Research Group for New Technologies (Gtea) at the University of Malaga. First deal with two investigations into the e-portfolio assessment and analysis developed Practicum daily for 5 academic years, thirdly, we will focus on research being carried out within the Draft Comparative study on the use and opinion university students ICT skills required by contrasting them as professi onals (Ref. A/023024/09), funded by the Spanish International Cooperation Agency and the participating universities in five countries (Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Peru and Chile) which is in its last phase.


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