Evaluation and zoning of rockfall hazard in the Las Xanas Route (Asturias)
hazard, Las Xanas trail, rockfallAbstract
In this work, a rockfall susceptibility analysis was carried out in the Ruta de Las Xanas, Asturias. For this purpose, a methodological procedure was established consisting of: i) bibliographic compilation and acquisition of geospatial data of the area; ii) photo-interpretation and fieldwork, which included mapping of slope deposits and identification of susceptibility determining factors; iii) zoning of the susceptibility by sections by a Geographic Information System (GIS). The susceptibility zoning has let to establish that most of the route (76%, 2724.7 m) has low or medium-low susceptibility values, although there is a total of 863.4 m (24% of the route) whose susceptibility varies from medium-high to very high.
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