Pyroclastic flows related to the collapse of trachytic domes in the Middle Miocene Volcanic Edifice of Jandía (Fuerteventura, Canary Islands)


  • Ramón Casillas Departamento de Biología Animal, Edafología y Geología. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • Gloria Martín Departamento de Biología Animal, Edafología y Geología. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife



Jandía Miocene volcanic edifice, Fuerteventura, pyroclastic flows, pyroclastic surges, trachytic domes


The eastern sector of the Middle Miocene Jandía Volcanic Edifice is essentially constituted by a sequence of felsic domes and pyroclastic rocks separated by basaltic agglomerates that mark important events of erosion and volcanic activity gaps. Pyroclastic levels, which include welded felsic tuffs and interstratified levels of pumice, ashs and lapilli, are interpreted as the result of pyroclastic flows (block and ash flows) and pyroclastic surges (base surges, ash cloud surges and ground surges) deposits, related to the volcanic activity of trachytic domes, such as the Cofete Islet dome, originated by hydromagmatic eruptions (base surge deposits) and explosive gravitational collapse of domes (block and ash flow deposits). Ash cloud surges and ground surges associated to the block and ash flows are forming underlying, interstratified and overlying deposits to the welded felsic tuffs. Some of these pyroclastic surges surpassed the stoppage zone of the pyroclastic flows, reaching areas located far from the erupting domes.


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How to Cite

Casillas, R., & Martín, G. (2021). Pyroclastic flows related to the collapse of trachytic domes in the Middle Miocene Volcanic Edifice of Jandía (Fuerteventura, Canary Islands). GEOGACETA, 69, 35–38.


