The reconstruction of solidarity in a neoliberal context: double movement and mutual aid after 15M (and beyond)



solidarity, double movement, mutual aid, social classes, neoliberalism, crisis


The political cycle opened after 15M can be interpreted as the expression of a Polanyian "double movement" that seeks to protect society from the effects of commodification in many spheres of life. In the wake of these protests, different mutual-aid grassroots initiatives emerged with a twofold objective: to denounce the cutbacks and market-driven policies that hindered access to basic goods (such as housing, food or income) and to offer practical support to people in vulnerable situation. The 15M legacy can be seen as a deliberate effort to (re)construct solidarities in a social landscape devastated and fragmented by neoliberalism. This article offers a tentative reflection on the dynamics of these experiences and the obstacles they faced, in order to both sketching a research agenda for the future and envisioning the possibilities of mutual aid in the current crisis.


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How to Cite

Sola, J. (2021). The reconstruction of solidarity in a neoliberal context: double movement and mutual aid after 15M (and beyond). Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 21(3), v2103. Retrieved from



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