Voices and attitudes behind and after the 15M, a transnational y multidisciplinary perspective



15M, political culture, discourse analysis, activist language, political translation


The study of the political cycle opened by the demonstrations of 15 May 2011 in “El descontento movilizador” and “Translating the Crisis” reveals some of the processes that took place beneath the surface of this movement. The former analyses from different perspectives the changes in the perception of politics in individuals with different socio-demographic characteristics, from a varied political spectrum, and with a different degree of political involvement. The latter shows the importance of translation in protest, both for its communicative function and its political potential to connect actors in conflict, practices, discourses, and ideas at different levels of social mobilisation. The multidisciplinary and transnational approach, the critical yet impartial orientation, and the different dimensions of analysis are some of the factors that add value to these works and underline the importance of this cycle even ten years later.


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2021-12-25 — Updated on 2021-12-25

How to Cite

Vidal Ruiz, R. (2021). Voices and attitudes behind and after the 15M, a transnational y multidisciplinary perspective. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 21(3), b2110. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/encrucijadas/article/view/91575



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