Researching the far right: demystifications, new trends, and academic opportunities


  • Camila Santibañez Pérez Columbia University of New York


Extreme right, violence, close-up research, far-right, political orientation


Given that extreme right-wing movements and their violent expressions are renascent, it is of utmost importance to delve into these movements and analyze what attracts people to join groups that promote aggression and the use of violence. The study of the extreme right has been carried out under the prejudice of the academic world citing the risks of contagion or giving visibility to these groups. This, consequently, has resulted in a lack of methodologies, information databases and research tools. The aim of this review is to present a reflection on the study of the far right through an analysis of far-right researchers from all over the world. It presents a review of the books: Researching Far Right Movements, by Emanuele Toscano; Researching the Far Right Theory, Method and Practice, by Stephen D. Ashe, Joel Busher, Graham Macklin and Aaron Winter; and Strangers in Their Own Land, by Arlie Russell Hochschild.  This analysis highlights the findings, conclusions and limitations that have been encountered in studying the far right and the potential that exists in delving into this side of society that is sometimes avoided in the academy.


Ashby, Heather (2021). Far-Right Extremism Is a Global Problem. Foreign Policy, 15 de enero, (enlace).

Ashe, D. Stephen; Joel Busher; Graham Macklin y Aaron Winter (eds.) (2020). Researching the far right theory, method and practice. Routledge.

Bizeul, Daniel (2019). Reporting the "good deeds" of far-right activists. En E. Toscano (ed.) Researching Far-Right Movements: Ethics, Methodologies, and Qualitative Inquiries (pp.75-89). Routledge.

Hochschild, Arlie Russell (2018). Strangers in their own land: anger and mourning on the American right. The New Press. [Edición en español: Extraños en su propia tierra. Réquiem por la derecha estadounidense. Capitan Swing.]

Pilkington, Harry (2019). "Field observer: Simples." Finding a place from which to do close-up research on the "far right". En E. Toscano (ed.) Researching Far-Right Movements: Ethics, Methodologies, and Qualitative Inquiries (pp.23-40). Routledge.

Ravndal, Jacob Aasland y Anders Ravik Jupskås (2020). Methods for mapping far right violence. En D.S. Ashe, J. Busher, G. Macklin y A. Winter (eds.), Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method and Practice (pp.132-146). Routledge.

Toscano, Emanuele (ed.) (2019). Researching Far-Right Movements: Ethics, Methodologies, and Qualitative Inquiries. Routledge.

Toscano, Emanuele y Daniele di Nunzio (2019). The dark side of the field. Doing research on CasaPound in Italy. En E. Toscano (ed.) Researching Far-Right Movements: Ethics, Methodologies, and Qualitative Inquiries (pp.90-106). Routledge.

Waldner, Lisa y Betty Dobratz (2019). Rapport, respect, and dissonance: Studying the white power movement in the United States. En E. Toscano (ed.) Researching Far-Right Movements: Ethics, Methodologies, and Qualitative Inquiries (pp.41-58). Routledge.

Wieviorka, Michel (2019). The specificities of researching evil. En E. Toscano (ed.) Researching Far-Right Movements: Ethics, Methodologies, and Qualitative Inquiries (pp.13-22). Routledge.



How to Cite

Santibañez Pérez, C. (2021). Researching the far right: demystifications, new trends, and academic opportunities. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 21(2), b2106. Retrieved from