Presentation. Youth emergencies in Latin America and Europe: changes and persistence in their practices, discourses and senses


  • Pablo Vommaro CONICET
  • Gomer Betancor Nuez UNED


Youth, generation gap, Latin America, Europe


In recent years we have experienced social, economic and cultural mutations that are transforming the itineraries of young people, generating youth emergencies that manifest themselves in different practices, discourses and meanings. The diversities that characterize the worlds of youth life today are multiplying and constitute epochal -generational- marks that are interwoven with the inequalities, stigma, segregations and precarizations to which young people are exposed today. The various materials that make up this monographic issue are presented here and have a wide range of themes within the studies on youth.



How to Cite

Vommaro, P., & Betancor Nuez, G. (2018). Presentation. Youth emergencies in Latin America and Europe: changes and persistence in their practices, discourses and senses. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 15, p1501. Retrieved from