The productivity of power


  • Christian Laval Université Paris Nanterre


palabras clave


The author considers that the nexus of union between Marx and Foucault lies in the productive hypothesis of power, according to which it is necessary to analyse power "positively" to understand not its nature, origin, or essence, but its effects, that is, what it produces and how it produces it. He also shows the inconsistency of continuing to see labour as a characteristic of human nature, and in this sense, he understands that we have entered a new epoch where the "productive hypothesis" should be transformed into an "inventive hypothesis" of new forms of subjectivities and therefore of unprecedented struggles. In this sense, Foucault is explicit about the double use he makes of Marx: a support to analyse the disciplinary mechanisms in material production, but also a reference to put at the centre of social life the class struggle and from this other forms of subjectivity. However, he also crosses a boundary that Marx does not cross: the original cause of the extension of disciplines in society is not capitalism; in fact, capitalism is conditioned, and even constituted, by the importation into the field of material production of political technologies that were invented outside it and that have their own history.


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How to Cite

Laval, C. (2022). The productivity of power. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 22(2), r2203. Retrieved from