The construction of consumption: epistemological reflections



sociology of consumption, epistemology, consumption process, reductionism, relational


The edition of the work Estudios sociales sobre el consumo is taken in this essay as a privileged occasion to establish a series of epistemological reflections that, evaluated here from the history and practices of social research on consumption, would have a more general sociological scope. After a brief presentation of the epistemological issues of interest, we proceed to determine them in the case of the sociology of consumption. Through the analysis of some of the contributions of this work, we seek to evaluate the way in which such epistemological problems could be present in them. In short, it is a matter of offering a way of transversal and reflexive access to the contents of this complex and extensive collection of studies.


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How to Cite

Espada Benito, A. (2022). The construction of consumption: epistemological reflections. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 22(3), b2208. Retrieved from



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