Neoliberal Conservation: A Brief Introduction


  • Jim Igoe University of Virginia
  • Dan Brockington University of Sheffield


neoliberalism, neoliberalisation, neoliberal conservation, reregulation, commodification, territorialisation, privatisation of sovereignty, displacement


The growing body of work on the ‘neoliberalisation of nature’ does not as yet pay adequate attention to conservation policy and its impacts. Similarly, studies of conservation have much to learn by placing conservation policies in the context of broader social and economic changes that define neoliberalism. In this introduction, we outline and analyse the ways in which viewing conservation through a neoliberal lens adds value (if you will excuse the metaphor) to the collection of critiques we offer, placing quite different geographical areas and case studies in a comparative context. We argue that neoliberalisation involves the reregulation of nature through forms of commodification. This, in turn, entails new types of territorialisation: the partitioning of resources and landscapes in ways that control, and often exclude, local people. Territorialisation is a starkly visible form of reregulation, which frequently creates new types of values and makes those values available to national and transnational elites. Finally, neoliberalisation has also coincided with the emergence of new networks that cut across traditional divides of state, non-governmental organisation (NGO), and for-profit enterprise. These networks are rhetorically united by neoliberal ideologies and are combining in ways that profoundly alter the lives of rural people in areas targeted for biodiversity conservation. The studies this collection brings together, which are all rooted in place-based detailed research, are united by their experience of these processes. We argue that the disparate collection of critiques on the neoliberalisation of nature needs more grounded studies like these. We conclude this introduction with some tentative recommendations for future research and policy on neoliberal conservation.


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How to Cite

Igoe, J., & Brockington, D. . (2022). Neoliberal Conservation: A Brief Introduction. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 22(1), r2201. Retrieved from