Problematising punishment in neoliberal society


  • Diego Ruedas Torres UNED


Punishment, penalty, imprisonment, neoliberalism, social problems


For some years now we have been witnessing a certain sociological and criminological debate on how to explain the impressive increase in the number of prisoners in democratic Spain, reaching 76,000 in 2010. In this regard, various studies have attempted to apply general theoretical frameworks to understand the increase, form and justifications of punishment in the contemporary Spanish State: punitive populism, penal neoliberalism, culture of control or sovereign criminality are some of the concepts that have been used to understand the phenomenon. The present text frames this debate, focusing on a dialogue with González Sánchez's book, Neoliberalismo y Castigo.



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How to Cite

Ruedas Torres, D. (2022). Problematising punishment in neoliberal society. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 22(2), b2205. Retrieved from