Reflections on Michel Foucault's tools for the analysis of the ecclesiastical pastorate in medieval times
Michel Foucault, medieval christianity, pastoral power, genealogy of the present, historical sociologyAbstract
This article aims to reflect on the limits and potentialities of Michel Foucault's analysis of Christian pastoral power to understand the particularities of medieval Christianity between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, taking into account both the ecclesiastical institution and the resistance to its praxis. This reflection is based on a previous research that addressed the articulation between the phenomenon of the extension of the practices of cure of souls and the conformation of a form of organization of the Roman Church, through a new legal system articulated with the preceding territorial centralization, which resulted in the establishment of an orthopraxis and orthodoxy on which to pursue and punish disobedience. From this study, the aim is to reflect on the usefulness of Foucault's analytical tools on Christianity and pastoral power to understand this issue.
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