Towards a biopolitical analysis of physical disability: a methodological proposal



biopolitics, governmentality, physical disability, methodology, Foucault


Michel Foucault's work has become an indisputable reference for Disability Studies. However, physical disability was never a topic of interest for the French thinker, and there are hardly any references to it in all of his work. With this evidence, the purpose of this article is to offer a methodological and conceptual proposal for the study of physical disability from Foucault's work. To do so, and first of all, we will define several fundamental concepts of Foucauldian oeuvre that are valuable for a biopolitical analysis of disabilities. Next, we will establish a research problem: namely, physical disability in its contemporary meanings. Thirdly, we will limit a historical and spatial framework of analysis, pointing out for the various possibilities both advantages and potential drawbacks. The following will set out with a presentation of the methodological tools best suited to a study of this type, always bearing in mind both the precautions outlined throughout the article and the different perspectives that could be adopted. Finally, the article will conclude with an empirical case to show the relevance and usefulness of the proposed methodology.


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How to Cite

Cayuela Sánchez, S. (2023). Towards a biopolitical analysis of physical disability: a methodological proposal. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 22(2), a2205. Retrieved from