Contemporary radical rights in Brazil (and Latin America): lessons and challenges for the Left

A conversation with Esther Solano and Breno Bringel



Latin American rights, bolsonarismo, neo-liberal subjectivity, right-wing, social movements


The conversation aimed to discuss the emergence of radical rightists in Latin America –with a special focus on the Brazilian case– and how this brings a series of lessons and challenges for the left, social movements and critical thinking. The interview was organised around three main blocks. In the first, the aim was to assess the differences between the classic, dictatorial, militarised extreme right –as we know it from the 1950s and 1980s in Latin America– and the new radical right. The second block sought to take a more qualitative look at the phenomenon, discussing contextual and relational elements, including the relations between the right and the left. Finally, the third and last block focused on the actors, practices, discourses and subjectivities that are developing in today's far-right movements.


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How to Cite

Solano Gallego, E., Bringel, B., & Álvarez-Benavides, A. (2021). Contemporary radical rights in Brazil (and Latin America): lessons and challenges for the Left: A conversation with Esther Solano and Breno Bringel. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 21(2), e2106. Retrieved from