The sociology of the subject and the study of the new extreme right
A conversation with Michel Wieviorka
Nouvelle Droite, sociology of the subject, anti-subject, populism, VoxAbstract
The conversation with Michel Wieviorka is divided into three modules. In the first, Wieviorka analyses the historical and social context in which the Nouvelle Droite emerged in France, as well as other extreme rightists in Europe, making a distinction between Western and Eastern Europe. He also reviews the particular characteristics of these new rightists, their differences depending on the context, and their relationship with phenomena such as populism. In the second module, he discusses the possibilities of the sociology of the subject for the analysis of these processes and these collectives, pointing out the methodological difficulties and the ontological dimension implicit in the research process. In the third part of the conversation, Wieviorka describes the context in which Vox arises and its fundamental characteristics within the collectives and parties of the contemporary extreme right, and finally discusses anti-Semitism in Spain.
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