Feminisms in front of the new extreme right: practices of agreement and strategic sororities for the construction of a horizon of equity and equality


  • Almudena Cabezas González Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Feminisms, intersectionality, strategic sorority, agreement, resistances


This article reflects on feminist work in the Spanish state and proposes agreement and strategic sisterhood as responses to the onslaught of anti-feminism, protected by the (c)recent socio-political presence of the new extreme right. Based on the identification of knots and nodes between plural feminisms, the acuerpé proposes the construction of safe everyday spaces on which, through collective empowerment, and recognising the differences and divergences that exist in practice, projects of emancipation can be cemented for the future. Beyond the specific resistances, an intersectional and translocal network is emerging that resists the multiple symbolic and material violences. In the face of the circulation of ethnosexist and femnonationalist discourses, peripheral and mestizo feminisms are becoming entangled - in domestic work, hotel maids and seasonal agricultural workers - with associations and NGOs, trade unions and assemblies, with decentralised knowledge that activates feminist power to re-situate equity and equality as horizons of democracy.


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How to Cite

Cabezas González, A. (2021). Feminisms in front of the new extreme right: practices of agreement and strategic sororities for the construction of a horizon of equity and equality. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 21(2), r2104. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/encrucijadas/article/view/92647