Opening the debate on ecological discourses for the descolonization of the energy transition



Key words: 2030 Agenda, Decolonization, Sustainable Development, Energetic Transition, Climate Change.


Climate change has been approached both as an environmental problem and as an economic problem. The aim of this paper is to analyse climate change from the perspective of the discourses of international organisations as a privileged locus of enunciation and construction of global meaning. In this sense, we understand discourses as practices located in institutions of power and with particular effects of normalization and subjectivation.  We consider the Energy Transition, through the implementation of renewable energies that is proposed as a solution to the problem of climate change produced from a Western-centric perspective, as vertebrate discourses and backbones of power relations. The purpose of this work is to review conceptual aspects that make the relationship between climate change and the discourses proposed to overcome this problem, while exploring their connections. To do this, we focus on the proposal of the energy in the recommendations of the using natural resources as part of a process that we analyze since the 1990s' and it was expressed through legislative changes in Latin America centered in Argentina and the proposal of the energetic transition that endorse the United Nations and World Bank.



How to Cite

Bulanikian, G. M., & Boco, A. N. R. (2022). Opening the debate on ecological discourses for the descolonization of the energy transition. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 22(1), a2203. Retrieved from