The new labour relations of wellbeing and health at work: the managerialisation of the body in the case of the UK



health and safety, stress, trade unions, conflict, firm


The widening workplace agenda and politics regarding mental health issues has been prompted by a growing concern of their increasing presence at work, which is, in part, due to the awareness amongst workers and expert critics of the ongoing increase in work intensification, and related issues such as bullying and violence at work. Health and safety related tensions, broadly speaking, are therefore increasing in significance and reflecting and expansion of –and struggles over– rights that have been evolving for some time.

Keywords: health and safety, stress, trade unions, conflict, firm.


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How to Cite

Martínez Lucio, M. (2021). The new labour relations of wellbeing and health at work: the managerialisation of the body in the case of the UK. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 21(3), v2102. Retrieved from



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