The construction of the enemy in the discourses of the european radical right: a comparative analysis
enemy, radical right, political discourse, identityAbstract
The aim of this paper is to compare the identification, construction and characterization of the discursive political enemy of four of the main parties of the European radical right (La Liga, AfD, Rassemblement National and VOX). It is a research with a comparative approach and qualitative research methodology that has used as information sources a total of 20 electoral spots (five for each of the parties) to which a qualitative content analysis has been applied (ACC). The main findings show that the common enemy in all the parties is the immigration, which is followed by the European Union (with the exception of the case of VOX) and that the main differentiation between the parties is the position towards feminism and post-materialist politics: VOX (fundamentally) and AfD identify them as enemies, the rest do not.
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