The program of the French National Front in the light of the theory of winning formula


  • Eduardo Sánchez-Iglesias Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Vicente Sánchez-Jimenez Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Guillermo Fernández-Vázquez Universidad Complutense de Madrid


european radical right, extreme right, crisis, economic policy, winning formula, National Front


Europe has experienced a progressive electoral boom of political forces of the European radical right, based a gradual abandonment of the liberal core of its economic proposals, to embrace a type of social policy baptized as “Welfare Chauvinism” or “State of Chovinist Wlfare”. Base on the experience of the French National Front (NF) in the last presidential elections of 2017, the article proposes to analyze the frontist proposal in the field of economic policy, through the application of the winning formula theory. Thus, the shift towards greater statism under the umbrela of social sovereignty, could be thought of as an evolution towards a new winning formula among the indentity rights of the European continent, which, like the NF, adopt an eminently economic programmatic offer to refer to the problems of its citizens in a context of crisis, with the aim of increasing their electoral support.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Iglesias, E., Sánchez-Jimenez, V., & Fernández-Vázquez, G. (2021). The program of the French National Front in the light of the theory of winning formula. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 21(2), a2113. Retrieved from