Horkheimer and the inherited vision of positivism. A critical review in the company of Neurath's replica


  • Adriana Gonzalo Universidad Nacional del Litoral - CONICET


Philosophy of Science, Horkheimer, Positivism, Epistemology, Neurath


On one side, this work proposes to critically examine the conception of Positivism in Horkheimer's early work, conceived as an interpretive reconstruction of central relevance and strong philosophical impact. First, in order to achieve this objective, an analytical reading of several texts by Horkheimer will be done, where the relevant topics that indicate Positivism (specifically Logical Positivism) in the Horkheimerian interpretation will be reconstructed. In this sense, the first section begins by analyzing the shaping of “positivism” in Horkheimer's early works from a perspective of antagonism towards the Hegelian heritage. The second section focuses particularly on the Horkheimerian interpretation of knowledge´s conception and role of science in Logical Positivism; followed by a critical reading of the aforementioned interpretation (third section). In this third section, a second objective is pursued: to add to this criticism Neurath's own arguments (1937b) in his response to Horkheimer's text (1937b). Finally, some concluding considerations are presented.


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How to Cite

Gonzalo, A. (2020). Horkheimer and the inherited vision of positivism. A critical review in the company of Neurath’s replica. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 20, tc2003. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/encrucijadas/article/view/87074