All knowledge is a heresy


  • María Aurelia Di Berardino FaHCE - IdHICS - CONICET - UNLP - CIC


Wikipedia, Neurath, encyclopaedia, knowledge, heresy


The Heretic Knowledge. A Wikipedia story is a book that challenges both epistemology, in particular, and public opinion, in general. Since it refers to a daily use tool whose construction is unknown. To the extent that the book deconstructs the backstage of Wikipedia, it reveals its lights and shadows: how is knowledge generated? Who generates it? Which arguments take place?, etc. All these questions are not just about Wikipedia: they refer to classical questions about the problem of knowledge. We will argue here that a key to understanding the local and generic difficulties of knowledge is to read the virtual encyclopaedia in the light of Otto Neurath’s encyclopaedia metaphor.


Di Berardino, María Aurelia (2016). Acuerdos enciclopédicos: Dewey y Neurath sobre ciencia y valores. Cuadernos Filosóficos, Segunda Época (XIII), 17-33.

Lorente, Patricio (2020). El conocimiento hereje. Una historia de Wikipedia. Paidós.

Neurath, Otto, Rudolf Carnap y Charles Morris (eds.). [1938] (1955). International Encyclopedia of Unified Science. Vol. I, 1-5. The University of Chicago Press.

Neurath, Otto 1965. Proposiciones protocolares. En A.J. Ayer (ed.) El positivismo lógico (pp. 205-214). Fondo de Cultura Económica.



How to Cite

Di Berardino, M. A. (2020). All knowledge is a heresy. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 20, c2003. Retrieved from