Notes on the analysis and interpretation of “the emergening discourses" in the sociological analysis of discourses


  • Fernando Conde CIMOP


sociological analysis, emerging discourses, discussion groups, symbolic condensations, narrative configurations, semantic spaces, lapses.


The aim of this paper is to analyse “the emerging discourses” within the framework of “qualitative school of Madrid” and the proposal of “Sociological analysis of systems of discourse”. The analysis of “the emerging discourses” is of particular relevance in times of social change and symbolic-discursive unrest. During these periods, there is a clash between different types of discourses and new discursive tendencies play a significant role. Based on further researches this paper gives us some clues to empirically analyse “the emerging discourses”, i.e. how to perceive them, how to analyse them, how to interpret them, and which are the new discursive tendencies. In addition, some lines of reflection on how to approach this analysis are developed within the framework of a dynamic and interactive conception of the relationships between social structures, social conflicts and symbolic discursive imaginaries. These imaginaries try to account for these conflicts and to configure a new space for the development of social change trends.



How to Cite

Conde, F. (2019). Notes on the analysis and interpretation of “the emergening discourses" in the sociological analysis of discourses. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 17, v1701. Retrieved from