"Detrás de la cortina: el sexo en España (1790-1950)" por Jean-Louis Guereña


  • Miguel Ángel Pradera Trobajo Universidad Complutense de Madrid


History of sexuality in Spain, Prostitution, Editorial collections of sexual education and sexual dissemination, Erotic and pornographic publications.


Key work to understand some significant aspects of the history of sexuality in Spain between 1790 and 1939. The author summarizes and extends the results of his previous researches. This book is the updated version - in Spanish - of another work published in France in 2013. Among other aspects, it deals with the popular collections of dissemination and sexual education, the editorial production and distribution of erotic and pornographic works, the history of the male condom and the speeches and confrontations between the supporters of the regulation and the abolition of prostitution. The work includes a bibliography of great usefulness for readers who want to deepen their knowledge of this subject.



How to Cite

Pradera Trobajo, M. Ángel. (2019). "Detrás de la cortina: el sexo en España (1790-1950)" por Jean-Louis Guereña. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 17, c1703. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/encrucijadas/article/view/79194