"Chaperos: precariado y prostitución homosexual" by Oscar Guasch y Eduardo Lizardo


  • Laia Folguera Cots Universitat de Barcelona


sexualities, male sex work, hustlers, stigma


Sexual occupations are an excellent starting point to (re)think the way in which people and social groups attribute meaning to the body, intimacy, pleasure and power. That is why the work of Guasch and Lizardo is welcomed: because in addition to being a study on the situation and the evolution of sex work between men, it is also an exercise of analysis around homosexual and gay communities and about the subcultures they produce. It is an excellent text that offers tools to review certain aspects of current ways of attributing meanings and generating ideologies.

Author Biography

Laia Folguera Cots , Universitat de Barcelona

Departamento de Sociologia_Profesora asociada



How to Cite

Folguera Cots, L. (2019). "Chaperos: precariado y prostitución homosexual" by Oscar Guasch y Eduardo Lizardo. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 17, c1702. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/encrucijadas/article/view/79193