Forest and fire. The deconstruction of an unnatural conflict
forest fire, forest, conflict, sustainability, developmentAbstract
The forest-fire binomial has coexisted for centuries. However, this relationship is currently becoming highly conflictive, with fires taking an unnatural turn. This article attempts to analyse the relationship between forest and fire in a specific socio-cultural context, Galicia, presenting the forest as a source of conflict in rural areas and a generator of controversy. To this end, this paper analyses the results obtained from the Incendios Galicia case study as part of the MitigACT research project. It explores the various conflicts surrounding the forest arising from the transformations of recent decades in the Galician countryside and addresses how agencies and institutions approach the interest in the forest and its sustainability and how they define the fight against fire. Using a qualitative approach based on secondary data analysis of literature and discourse analysis of in-depth interviews with local people, five dimensions of the forest-fire conflict (biophysical, demographic, cultural, economic and political) are examined, highlighting the importance of integrating local knowledge and practices into land management plans and forestry strategies for sustainable development.
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