Contemporary interpretations of Sicilian cultures



stereotype, orientality and occidentality, vulcanism, tellurism, narratives


The volume reviewed aims to analyse the cultural references that allow us to interpret contemporary Sicily. For many people, this is obscured by the cultural categories of the exogroup, national character and stereotypes. Many people get a simplistic idea of the island from tourist guides and travel literature that confine it to the boundaries of ancestry and telurism. These representations, not infrequently dehumanising in their aggressive action, make Sicily and the Sicilians a hyperbolic caricature which they themselves, not infrequently, assume to be good. However, there is a vibrant island in which various cultures converge to generate a polyhedral Sicilianity that is historically shaped by various myths. These myths tell us about reality, about how we represent it, when it is so complex that it cannot be understood without a story that endorses certain values.



Buttitta, Antonino (2016). Mito fiaba rito. Sellerio edizioni Palermo.

Buttitta, Ignazio E. y José Antonio González Alcantud (eds.) (2023). El mito de Sicilia. Estudios culturales. Ediciones Universidad de Granada.

Ferrer Ventosa, Roger (2024). El saber de la sombra. El mito como forma de pensamiento y los mitos de la imagen. En M. Piñol Lloret (ed.), Mitos e imágenes. Tradiciones y leyendas a la luz de la cultura visual (pp. 73-110). Sans Soleil Ediciones.

Perricone, Rosario (curatore) (2017). Pitrè e Salomone Marino. Atti del Convegno internazionali di studi a 100 anni dalla norte. Edizioni Museo Pasqualino.

Clifford, James (2001). Dilemas de la cultura. Antropología, literatura y arte. Gedisa.



How to Cite

Panero García, M. P. (2024). Contemporary interpretations of Sicilian cultures. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, b2403. Retrieved from



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