A Dialogue on the Ideas of "World" and "Field"

A conversation between Howard S. Becker and Alain Pessin


  • Howard S. Becker
  • Alain Pessin


art world, artistic field, Howard Becker, Pierre Bourdieu, sociology of art


This conversation between Howard Becker and Alain Pessin, originally published in 2006, is a widely cited text in the sociology of the arts because in it Howard Becker dissects Pierre Bourdieu's thought, specifically his concept of the field, and contrasts it with his concept of art worlds. Both conceptualisations have been key in the development of the sociology of art, and have been used as synonyms, or at least as complementary concepts. But, as the interview makes clear, the starting point, the questions that are asked and the way of understanding artistic works differ profoundly in both approaches.


Becker, Howard S. (2008). Los mundos del arte. Sociología del trabajo artístico. Prometeo Libros.

Becker, Howard S. (2009). El poder de la inercia. Apuntes de Investigación del CECYP, 15, 99-111.

Becker, Howard S. (1994). La confusion des valeurs. En P.M. Menger, y J.C. Passeron (eds.), L’art de la recherche. Essais en l’honneur de Raymonde Moulin (pp.24-39). La documentation française.

Becker, Howard S. (1986). Distributing Modern Arts. En H.S. Becker, Doing Things Together. Northwestern University Press.

Bourdieu, Pierre (1995). Las reglas del arte. Génesis y estructura del campo literario. Anagrama.

Goffman, Erving [1961] (2001). Internados. Ensayos sobre la situación social de los enfermos mentales. Amorrortu.

Hughes, Everett C. (1971). The Sociological Eye. Routledge



How to Cite

Becker, H. S. ., & Pessin, A. (2024). A Dialogue on the Ideas of "World" and "Field": A conversation between Howard S. Becker and Alain Pessin. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 24(1), e2401. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/encrucijadas/article/view/108047