"Between two waters". Representation of the rural environment and elements of rootedness in young rural women with higher education



rural youth, education, gender, rootedness, depopulation


The departure from the rural environment of the qualified young people, especially the female population, compromises the social sustainability of the rural environment and feeds back into the processes of depopulation, ageing and masculinisation. This study relates the representation of the rural environment of young rural Andalusian women with higher education to their expectations of permanence or migration. For this purpose, three focus groups have been made according to the territory, the level of education and the degree of labour market insertion of the participants. The results show a representation of the environment marked by the professional and personal limitations that the rural environment offers them and that projects their future outside of it. Their view of the environment in terms of gender orients their feelings of uprooting and their social position —rural university women— places them in a particular position of no-man's land in relation to the town and the city. But positive elements also emerge on which to build a life trajectory in rural areas. To this end, participation, entrepreneurship, and access to mobility are seen as mechanisms to fix the population in the territory. Finally, education plays an ambivalent role in the processes of human decapitalisation.


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How to Cite

Águila Díaz, J. (2024). "Between two waters". Representation of the rural environment and elements of rootedness in young rural women with higher education. Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica De Ciencias Sociales, 24(2), a2407. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/encrucijadas/article/view/101558