LGBT+ migrants’ paths to Chile: intersectional violence and citizenship



Chile, migration, sexual diversity, LGBT , citizenship, violence


Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, nº 133, p. 65-89
Quadrimestral (January-April 2023)
ISSN:1133-6595 | E-ISSN:2013-035X

Reception date: 05.09.22  ; Acceptance date:  28.01.23

This paper analyses the backgrounds of LGBT+ migrants living in Chile, and considers the various types of violence they experience at the intersection of vectors of differentiation: national origin, sexual orientation–gender identity and socioeconomic position, as well as markers of ethnicity and racialisation. The results show that many LGBT+ migrants leave their place of origin not only because of social and economic factors, but also due to the discrimination and violence they experience due to their sexual or gender identity, which is known as sexile. These forms of violence occur throughout their migrant experience in ways that vary but are nevertheless constant. In the context of migrant reception in Chile, the presence of these people poses a double threat to the State’s hetero(cis)patriarchal order, on the one hand, and the national order, on the other, straining the conventional idea of ​​citizenship.

>> The full text articles are available in Spanish language




How to Cite

Galaz, C., Stang, F., & Lara, A. (2023). LGBT+ migrants’ paths to Chile: intersectional violence and citizenship. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, (133), 65–89. Retrieved from