Proposed research agenda on the Latin American right-wing


  • Waldo Ansaldi Profesor titular consulto e investigador senior, Grupo de Estudios Sociohistóricos de América Latina (GESHAL), Instituto de Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe (IEALC), Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires


Latin America, right, far-right, antipolitics, lies


Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, nº 132, p. 123-144
Quadrimestral (October-December 2022)
ISSN:1133-6595 | E-ISSN:2013-035X

Reception date: 12.07.22; Acceptance date: 03.10.22

Neoliberalism has degraded and liquefied politics to the point of emptying it of content, ideas and arguments. In this way, the right-wing builds its discursive arsenal by resorting to lies, fake news and cynicism. When confronting its adversaries, today’s right-wingers – the same as before, except in different clothes – do not engage conceptually, but reduce such confrontations to a discourse based on hate, anger and indifference. The successful strategy of purporting to be anti-politics in order to do politics in a different way is the first great lie. Common sense has been generated in majorities who are disenchanted with reality, oversaturated with misinformation and tend to opt for consumption over citizenship. In this context, this article proposes a more rigorous way of studying the Latin American right.

>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language



How to Cite

Ansaldi, W. (2023). Proposed research agenda on the Latin American right-wing. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, (132), 123–144. Retrieved from