Dialogic literature for preventing violent extremism (PVE): Ustaša hate speech
preventing violent extremism (PVE), radicalisation, Ustaša, literature, education, anti-rumour strategy, dialogic policy, hate speechAbstract
Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, n. 128
Quadrimestral (May-September 2021)
ISSN:1133-6595 - E-ISSN:2013-035X
DOI: doi.org/10.24241/rcai.2021.128.2.201
The underlying dynamics of the various kinds of extremism have, as a common feature, exclusion of the other through hate speech. One of the keys for preventing violent extremism (PVE) is working from the domain of public policy to combat the prejudices and stereotypes that shape discriminatory discourse. This study presents a project of education through literature in the framework of UNESCO’s PVE strategy. This proposal is constructed around a specific European case, Ustaša violence, which has allowed identification of three relevant areas when developing the PVE strategy: historical, literary, and dialogic. With a view to favouring human rights, the aim is to design public policies which, with a social impact in the domain of PVE, will consolidate recognition of the equal dignity of human beings.
>> The full text articles are available in Spanish language, although in this issue some of them are also available in English language.
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