Technology diplomacy for the digital era


  • Manuel Muñiz Rector Internacional y Decano, Escuela de Ciencias Políticas, Economía y Asuntos Globales, Universidad IE


technology, digital era, diplomacy, global order, economics, security


Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, nº 134, p. 91-102
Quadrimestral (May-Setembre 2023)
ISSN:1133-6595 | E-ISSN:2013-035X

The huge technological advances in recent decades have a fundamental international corollary: they make technology a new field of diplomacy. The deployment of an effective tech diplomacy will be a decisive factor of success in the 21st century. A state’s capacity to advance its security and economic interests, as well as its normative interests linked to values and principles, will depend on it. This diplomacy will require new instruments in foreign ministries, the development of new skills among the diplomatic profession, as well as devising specific strategies and road maps. Over time, a whole architecture of tech governance will emerge, linked both to privacy and data management and to monitoring systems and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in multiple spaces, including defence.

>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language


2023-09-29 — Updated on 2023-10-06


How to Cite

Muñiz, M. (2023). Technology diplomacy for the digital era. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, (134), 91–102. Retrieved from (Original work published September 29, 2023)