Speleogenesis in Miocene reef platforms. The Boca de Jaruco Karst (Mayabeque-Cuba)


  • Antonio González Ramón Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME, CSIC)
  • Vladimir Otero-Collazo Sociedad Espeleológica de Cuba
  • Leslie Molerio-León Inversiones Gamma, S.A.
  • Marian Alonso-Martínez Sociedad de Ciencias Espeleológicas Alfonso Antxia
  • Oriol Chávez-Bonora Sociedad Espeleológica de Cuba




Karst caves, dissolution-corrosion, tidal influences, water mixing, coastal platforms, cave fills


Between 2019 and 2020, several work campaigns were carried out in the Boca de Jaruco karst, which resulted in new advances in the knowledge of the genesis of these cavities. The Boca de Jaruco karst has a surface area of only 3 km2 where 18 cavities of speleological interest are known. It is a coastal platform formed by reef carbonates in which three formations of ages ranging from the Lower Miocene to the Pleistocene can be distinguished. The area studied extends along the right bank of the Jaruco River to its mouth. In six of the caves, a detailed topography including 3D digital models is available. In the largest cave, known as Cinco Cuevas, we studied the existing sedimentary fills, collapse fills, speleothems and the morphologies of condensation-corrosion observed on its walls. In addition, drip water and groundwater samples were taken in the three cavities that reach the water table and in other parts of the aquifer. Pressure, temperature and electrical conductivity sensors were also installed in these flooded areas to study the degree of connection of the caves with the sea. The results showed the influence of tides and the presence of water mixtures of different salinity in the water stored in the aquifer. A speleogenetic model is proposed that would begin in the Pliocene or Lower Pleistocene influenced by tectonic and eustatic movements where salt-fresh water mixtures would have played a fundamental role.


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How to Cite

González Ramón, A., Otero-Collazo, V., Molerio-León, L., Alonso-Martínez, M., & Chávez-Bonora, O. (2023). Speleogenesis in Miocene reef platforms. The Boca de Jaruco Karst (Mayabeque-Cuba). Journal of the Geological Society of Spain, 36(2), 102–115. https://doi.org/10.55407/rsge.101061


