Approach to the orogenic geology of NNE western Cuba


  • Wenceslao Martínez del Olmo



Seismic profiles, tectonic and sedimentary front, olistostromas, NNE Cuba Island


The published works on the Geology of Cuba and, especially, the images from the seismic lines and the hundreds of wells carried out for the exploration of hydrocarbons, provide the opportunity to describe a geological, sedimentary and structural approach to the complex front of the NNE of Cuba. It said approximation because its undoubted complexity does not allow to finalize its organization that derives from: 1) Not being able to verify the paleogeographic ordering prior to the deformation that affected sedimentary series of the autochthonous and parautochthonous and the olistostromes, early and late, that slipped into the basin and, later, were incorporated to the deformation. 2) The ridings, retro-rides and low-angle extensional faults that produced both a complex succession of hanging wall anticline structures and false thrust rides that, when incorporated into the tectonic prism, dip to the SSE. All this leads to a difficult interpretation that can be synthesized as: creation in the Campanian-Maastrichtian of a first slope of high dip and a first olistostrome, contractive paroxysm and massive olistostromes in the Paleocene, folding with verticalization and superposition of Mesozoic-Cenozoic units and new slides from then to the present.


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How to Cite

Martínez del Olmo, W. (2023). Approach to the orogenic geology of NNE western Cuba. Journal of the Geological Society of Spain, 36(2), 94–101.




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