The development of the scientific vocations in secondary school through the archaeological laboratories (LabCase): perspectives for new requirements in teacher training


  • Concha Fuentes-Moreno Universidad de Barcelona
  • Tània Martínez-Gil Universidad de Barcelona
  • Carolina Martín-Piñol Universidad de Barcelona



The need to adapt initial and continuing teacher training to the demands of secondary education classrooms is a challenge to overcome in order to achieve excellence. One of the problems in secondary school classrooms is the difficulty students face in transferring acquired scientific knowledge to daily applicability. The current article shows, within the framework of a project of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), the creation of eleven Labcases as portable labs, to approach different scientific disciplines and their methods based on archaeology, with the aim of encouraging scientific vocations and enhancing operational scientific knowledge. The article shows results, obtained through two quantitative instruments, which show an increase in the applicability of the scientific disciplines, the improvement in their scientific competencies, as well as an improvement in the vision of the curricular subjects dealt with. This fact seems to have an effect on the preference of scientific vocations by the sample analyzed. The experience and its results show us a means applicable to the initial and continuous training of teachers, with the interdisciplinary implications that emerge from the project.

Author Biography

Concha Fuentes-Moreno , Universidad de Barcelona

Profesora departamento de Didáctica de las CCSS. Facultad de Educación. Universidad de Barcelona



How to Cite

Fuentes-Moreno , C. ., Martínez-Gil, T. ., & Martín-Piñol, C. . (2024). The development of the scientific vocations in secondary school through the archaeological laboratories (LabCase): perspectives for new requirements in teacher training. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales, 99(38.1).