What is research for? Transferring knowledge to the university teachers’ training in inclusive education


  • Mariana Buenestado-Fernández Universidad de Cantabria
  • María García-Cano Torrico
  • Eva Francisca Hinojosa Pareja
  • Azahara Jiménez Millán




Even though the current political agenda makes explicit the importance of generating transfer processes, there is little evidence on the direct impact of the results obtained in R&D projects in the design of educational policies, beyond recommendations. Its applicability in improving educational and institutional processes and, more specifically, in specific training models is largely unknown. The article submits to a systematic review the scientific production derived from a national research project on the institutionalization of inclusive education in the university to transfer said knowledge with consistency and rigor. A total of 26 scientific productions that account for the discourse of university actors and the results of pilot projects applied in different areas of institutionalization were analysed. In said production, teacher training is pointed out as an engine of change and progress towards inclusion in the institution. Unlike the traditional transmission of scientific knowledge in the field of educational sciences, this work provides as a novelty an applicable model in the training of university teachers as a transfer exercise with implications for university practices and policies. At the same time, this model is contextualized with the study of the training offer on inclusive education in Spanish universities, in which its incipient state of institutionalization is evidenced as a strategic line and with a fragmentary vision of certain features of diversity in the plans. of teacher training.



How to Cite

Buenestado-Fernández, M., García-Cano Torrico, M., Hinojosa Pareja , E. F. ., & Jiménez Millán , A. . (2023). What is research for? Transferring knowledge to the university teachers’ training in inclusive education. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales, 98(37.1). https://doi.org/10.47553/rifop.v98i37.1.94750