Initial teacher training in linguistic competence: comparative study between Early Childhood and Primary Education degrees Teachers




This study is part of the European Project "Reading Communities from paper books to digital era" (READ-COM) whose purpose is to sensitize families, schools, teachers, and university students (future teachers) about the importance of reading and providing innovative resources to improve reading practices at home and at school. In this case, the degree of development of linguistic competence in students of the Early Childhood and Primary Education degrees is examined to establish strengths and weaknesses in order to propose strategies that favor mutual knowledge of both stages, which ensures continuity in the educational process of children from 0 to 12 years old. To this end, a quantitative study has been carried out, in which 679 students have participated. The results show coincidence in both Degrees in relation to the level of competence achieved according to the knowledge of the written language learnings and its teaching, although the same does not happen with the rest of the competencies studied. The differences identified in both grades ratify the hypothesis raised in this work, so it is evident the need for the initial training of Early Childhood and Primary Education degrees Teachers to promote actions that link and interrelate the educational process of students from 0 to 12 years.

Author Biographies

Mª Rocío Pascual Lacal, Dra. , University of Malaga

Associate Professor in the Departament of Didactis and School Planning at University of Malaga.

Teacher Training Center of Málaga as a child education consultant.

Member of the HUM205 Research Group " Early Childhood and teacher training".

Dolores Madrid Vivar, Dra. , University of Malaga

University Professor in the Department of Didactics and School Planning at University of Malaga.

Principal Investigator of the HUM205 Research Group " Early Childhood and teacher training".

Nicolás Sánchez Álvarez, Dr. , University of Malaga

Professor of the Departament Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Malaga.





How to Cite

Pascual Lacal, M. R., Madrid Vivar, D., & Álvarez, N. S. (2022). Initial teacher training in linguistic competence: comparative study between Early Childhood and Primary Education degrees Teachers. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales, 97(36.2).