Factors, outcomes, and evaluation of the impact of communities of practice on the development of technological competencies in higher education. A systematic literature review





Higher education institutions are seeking to define professional development programs that encourage their teachers to develop practices adjusted to the demands of 21st century society, and communities of practice are one possibility. This article synthesizes the factors involved in the conformation of communities of practice, the results and forms of evaluation of the impact of experiences published in scientific journals between 2012-2021. The interest was focused on communities of practice for the development of technological competencies in in-service teachers in higher education. The literature review method proposed by Arlene Fink was applied and guiding questions, search conditions, criteria and procedures applied to select 14 articles for the inductive analysis, from an initial base of 282, are described. Among the results, it is found that communities of practice facilitate teacher empowerment and the improvement of attitudes towards technology, provide support to overcome the perception of loneliness when venturing into technologies, exchange knowledge on best technological and teaching practices, encourage reflections and modifications on teaching practice and favor the generation of academic and professional links. Some of the gaps identified are the lack of research on impact evaluation, the relationship between the duration of the intervention and the results obtained, as well as a deficit in the publication of experiences in Spanish associated with communities of practice in higher education.

Author Biographies

Cristina Hennig Manzuoli, Dr. , Universidad de La Salle

Doctor in education and society, master in education and psychologist, research topics, teacher training in ICT skills, ICT-mediated learning strategies, virtual education and cyberbullying prevention.

Adriana Rocio Lizcano Dallos, Mg , Universidad Industrial de Santander

Computer Science Engineer from the Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia), Master in Information Technology applied to Education from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia) and Master in Management, Application and Development of Software from the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (Colombia). I have worked as a teacher in the area of computer programming, as well as in the area of technologies applied to education in postgraduate programs. I am a pedagogical advisor in the formulation of virtual programs, an academic peer of the Ministry of National Education and a research associate recognized by MinCiencias. I am currently a professor at the Universidad Industrial de Santander (Bucaramanga, Colombia), at the Center for the Development of Teaching - CEDEDUIS. Among my fields of interest and research is the incorporation of technologies in learning processes, teaching and learning strategies, especially collaborative learning and training of trainers.


2022-07-26 — Updated on 2022-07-29

How to Cite

Hennig Manzuoli, C., & Lizcano Dallos, A. R. (2022). Factors, outcomes, and evaluation of the impact of communities of practice on the development of technological competencies in higher education. A systematic literature review. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales, 97(36.2). https://doi.org/10.47553/rifop.v98i36.2.90739