Artistic autoethnography in the construction of professional identity in social education, secondary education and art therapy


  • Marián López Fdez. Cao Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Ana Serrano Navarro Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Based on an educational experience in the training of secondary school, social education and art therapy educators - the personal artistic autoethnography in the framework of the artist's book and other creative languages - the potential of arts-based methodologies as an autoethnographic approach in the training of the teaching and care professions is analysed.   From an arts-based research, a/r/tography and ethnographic perspective, the question "why did I choose this profession?" acts as a generator of the creative-narrative-research process that opens up two other questions: who are we? and what has brought us here? The article reviews the importance of the auto-ethnographic construction in inicial training as an element that promotes self-reflection of identity as future education and care professionals, and then links it to arts-based methodologies that foster symbolic and non-verbal elements, which are essential in education. After several academic years applying this methodology in training, the sample analyses part of alumni results in two phases: one after the pandemic, in 2020, of incorporation into the classroom in blended learning, and another in the current academic year 23-24, revealing itself as a methodology that promotes thinking about the personal from a social and cultural context; metaphorical thinking and the relationship with others as elements of reflection on professional identity; as well as reflection on the limits and possibilities of the setting and roles within the framework of work and intervention.

Author Biography

Marián López Fdez. Cao , Universidad Complutense de Madrid

En este caso, la persona que aparece como colaboradora aquí es primera autora del artículo, tal y como se recoge en la declaración. 



How to Cite

López Fdez. Cao, M., & Serrano Navarro, A. (2024). Artistic autoethnography in the construction of professional identity in social education, secondary education and art therapy. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales, 99(38.1).