Activist practices through the creation of photobooks in teacher education


  • José María Mesías-Lema Universidad de A Coruña
  • Carla Álvarez-Barrio Universidad de A Coruña
  • Sabela Eiriz Universidad de A Coruña
  • Tiffany López-Ganet Universidad de A Coruña



The aim of this article is to investigate the previous conceptions of teachers in training about children's rights through photography. For this purpose, a mixed methodology based on arts-based educational research and visual anthropology has been used. The instruments of data collection and artistic creation have been photographs, photobooks and installation. The type of images used respond to a visual search through the different media dealing with the current conflict in Ukraine. The selection and intervention of these images flees from the aestheticization of the tragedy as social awareness that usually uses children from a narrative of vulnerability and despair. On the contrary, we have worked from a perspective of dignity, respectful of children's rights. Our starting hypothesis aims to activate critical thinking in teacher training on visual language and the use of images through the creation of photobooks. The results constitute artistic objects created by the teachers in training themselves as activist practices of their thinking. Through the creative process and the artifacts created by the teachers, a qualitative analysis of the visual thinking about this war conflict has been made.



How to Cite

Mesías-Lema , J. M. ., Álvarez-Barrio, C. ., Eiriz, S. ., & López-Ganet, T. . (2024). Activist practices through the creation of photobooks in teacher education. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales, 99(38.1).