From good morals and customs to fraudsters of bad faith. Credit scoring of the Zamora, Michoacan, branch of the National Bank of Mexico


  • Gladys Lizama Silva



Credit scoring, Credit worthiness, Zamora, Econometric and statistical analysis, N26


This article aims at describing, analysing and interpreting the credit scoring of 318 creditworthy individuals investigated by an agency hired by the Banco Nacional de México for that purpose. It answers questions such: who were the subjects of credit of the Zamora branch of the Bank between 1905 and 1907? Was the capital critical for a subject to be eligible for credit or minimise the risks? Was the individual's occupation important in the credit evaluation? Was owning property a determining factor for good credit or be considered to be without risk and acceptable? Was gender a key factor to be accepted as credit worthy? Was belonging to social networks and influential roles in society essential to be a creditworthy subject? How important was the reputation of the individual to be qualified for access to credit?


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How to Cite

Lizama Silva, G. (2019). From good morals and customs to fraudsters of bad faith. Credit scoring of the Zamora, Michoacan, branch of the National Bank of Mexico. Investigaciones De Historia Económica, 13(2), 93–106.

