Metal Graphic Companies in Galicia (1890–1936)


  • Jesús Giráldez Rivero



Metal Graphic Companies, Packaging, Canning, Galicia, Spain, L14, L61, N83, O14


This paper aims to analyze the role of metal graphic companies in Galicia. Metal graphic is an activity that has gone virtually unnoticed in economic history, despite having played a key role in the development and competitiveness of the canned fish sector, which for many years was the basis of the industrialization of Galicia. In fact, considering the metal graphic companies as a mere auxiliary activity of the canning industry has tended to conceal their characteristics as companies specialising in the production of modern packaging. This is a key factor without which it is impossible to understand how even today heirs to these companies established in the early part of the century still occupy a leading position in the packaging sector. The factors that led to the appearance of metallographic companies, their concentration in Vigo, and the factors which influenced their specialization throughout the various stages until the onset of the civil war are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Giráldez Rivero, J. (2019). Metal Graphic Companies in Galicia (1890–1936). Investigaciones De Historia Económica, 6(17), 119–148.

