
  • Special or monographic issues


    The journal Investigaciones de Historia Económica - Economic History Research (IHE-EHR) also publishes special or monographic issues. Those who wish to propose a special issue should send the following information to

    1. Curriculum Vitae (CV) (2-3 pages)
    2. Proposal (800-1,000 words) including: (1) Brief description of the topic, which needs to fit within the objectives and scope of IHE-EHR; (2) Brief analysis of the potential impact of the special issue, relating it to current debates, theories, or literature.

    The proposal can incorporate a reasonable number of papers, but closed proposals will not be accepted.

    The Editorial Team will evaluate the proposal and decide on it. If accepted, a member of the Editorial Team will join the special issue as "IHE-EHR Editor".

    A Call for Papers (CfP) will be launched to select additional contributions. All papers, including those incorporated in proposal, will be peer-reviewed following standard IHE-EHR practice. At the moment of publication, a brief summary on the state of the art must be included as an introduction to the special issue.

    Read more about Special or monographic issues