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Author Guidelines

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Investigaciones de HistoriaEconómica / Economic History Research (IHE/EHR) is a journal devoted to the publication of original high-quality research papers on Economic History, Business History and History of Economic Thought.

It is the journal of the Spanish Association of Economic History (AEHE). The first issue appeared in January 2005, and since then the journal is published in three issues a year. It has been edited in collaboration with RECYT (Spanish Repository for Science and Technology) since 2019. Issues are published in February, June and October. It is indexed in Web of Science: ESCI (Emerging Source Citation Index); SCOPUS and ERIH PLUS.

The journal is available at The contact email address for the journal contact email address for reviews is

Receipt of Papers

Investigaciones de HistoriaEconómica / Economic History Research only considers original manuscripts that have not been previously published.

Papers are accepted in Spanish and English and, generally speaking, are published in the original language.Nevertheless, if the author(s) prefer, the journal offers the possibility of a paper that has already been accepted being translated from Spanish into English or vice versa. In this case, the translation is the responsibility of the author(s), who must accordingly adjust to the deadline indicated by the Editorial Board.

Original manuscripts referring to any historical period are accepted, with special consideration given to papers that incorporate new documentary sources of interest and/or methodological contributions. Research notes are also accepted.

The journal acknowledges receipt of a manuscript within 7 days of submission, and the editorial board, in light of the referees' reports, sends authors its decision within a maximum period of 5 months. Acceptance of a manuscript for publication is subject to introduction of the changes that, in accordance with the reports received, the Board considers appropriate.

Proposal for a special issue

Investigaciones de Historia Económica - Economic History Research is grateful for proposals for monographic or special issues. Anyone who would like to be a guest editor may send a proposal (max. 800 words) at any time with the following information:

Academic considerations: guest editors should provide a brief CV and a concise description of the academic relevance of the theme. They should also design and propose a strategy to increase the impact of the special issue.

Impact: the special issue should address well-known issues, new lines of research orresearch with high social impact. The aim and scope of the special issue must comply with the IHE/EHR guidelines for authors. The proposal should be linked to the international literature and/or economic theory. Each special issue should also aim to stimulate constructive debate among academics.

Structure: guest editors should choose a limited number of articles that address different facets of the theme (four or five). One of these should include a state of the question and/or the ongoing debate on the proposed theme.  Some papers submitted to the special issue may, or may not, be considered for their publication on other issues, at the discretion of the IHE/EHR editorial team.

All papers will be peer reviewed in line with the journal’s standard practice.


Evaluation is via the double-blind reviewing process, with both authors and referees remaining anonymous, and comprises the following stages:

Initial internal evaluation.This first review is undertaken by the editorial board. The editor responsible enlists the help of at least one other member of the board. At this stage, it is decided whether the paper meets the criteria to be sent out for external review and, if this is the case, the external referees to whom the manuscript will be sent are chosen.

The journal is open to the possibility of authors recommending two experts who are not on the editorial board and considered suitable for reviewing the original manuscript,regardless of the fact that the board will then decide to send the paper to whoever it considers appropriate.

b) External evaluation. All manuscripts with a positive internal evaluation are sent to at least two external referees. Referees have to fill in a detailed report of the most significant contributions of the paper and any problems they observe with respect to content or form. When this process is completed, the editor or co-editor responsible sends the reviews to the author(s) along with an editorial board report with the decision taken. This decision may be accepted, accepted subject to minor revisions, accepted subject to major revisions orrejected.

When acceptance is linked to introducing changes, the board report will include recommendations for the preparation of a new version and indicate deadline for authors to complete the required changes. Final acceptance depends on incorporating changes proposed by referees.

Composition of issues

The editorial board, at the Editor’s proposal,approves the content of each issue of Investigaciones de Historia Económica/ Economic HistoryResearch. 

In the last issue of each year, a list of the journal’s external referees is published and they are thanked for their collaboration.

Each year, Investigaciones de Historia Económica/ Economic HistoryResearchpublishes the statistics of the papers received, reviewed and rejected, and the rejection rate of reviewed papers.

Editorial guidelines

The use of inclusive language is recommended whenever possible. Authors can consult the following guidelines prepared by the UN in this regard:

a) For papers and research notes

Papers submitted to IHE/EHR for review must initially be sent in a conventional word or pdf format, although not necessarily that of the journal. When the paper is being revised to adapt to comments, it should also follow the editorial guidelines indicated below. In order not to delay submissions, if authors have not already done so, they are requested to make any final adjustments regarding corrections of format, text alignment and other formal matters within a two-week deadline after acceptance of the paper.

Submissions are to be made via the email address 

Papers are accepted up to a maximum of 10,000 words, including notes, tables, graphs, maps, appendices and bibliography. The text of the paper must have 1.5 spacing and be in 12-point Times New Roman, with numbered pages and without headers. Acknowledgements, where applicable, should be incorporated into the final manuscript once the paper has been accepted, as should references to any research project grants, agreements or similar.

The main text should be preceded by a page with the title in Spanish and English, details of the author(s), academic affiliation, professional address, contact telephone and email address. This is to be followed by an abstract, in Spanish and English, which must not exceed 150 words. If the paper is accepted, an extended abstract of 400-500 words in English will be required indicating the aim of the paper, the methodology, its findings and limitations and an assessment of its originality. Moreover, a maximum of four keywords should be provided and four subject classification codes from the Journal of Economic Literature, also in both languages.

Bibliographical references should be included in the text, indicating the surnames of the authors,the date of publication, and the relevant pages if necessary. The Harvard format citation guide is to be followed ( The final list of bibliographical references should be limited to the works cited and should differentiate between archival sources and references to books, articles etc. Sources (archives, newspaper libraries, companies, etc.) consulted are to be specified in a section before the bibliography. All other references (books, articlesworking papers, etc.), are to be indicated in a separate section below, cited in the aforementioned Harvard format. 

Notes should be numbered consecutively (with the reference in superscript) and inserted at the foot of the page with single spacing and a 10-point font size. The note number should precede the punctuation. Charts cannot be included.

Citations that refer to the main text must go in the text and not in the footnotes, except where some further explanation or clarification is included. Literal quotations are to be avoided. If they are included, as an exceptional measure, they must be brief, indented on the left and single spaced, and with any insertions by the author in square brackets. If such quotations are long, authors are requested to move them to the notes.

Graphs and maps should be numbered consecutively and referenced as figures (Figure 1, Figure 2 etc.). All figures should include a caption, situated under the graph or map. Sources should always go under the figure caption. Graphs and charts should be inserted in the text in normal format, not in image format, and in any case in a format that may be adjusted when editing the journal. Maps should be inserted in image format. 

Tables should also be numbered consecutively (Table 1, Table 2 etc.) and it is recommended to construct them with the Word table function. The number of the table should be indicated on one line, the title of the table on the next line, then the table and, finally, the sources should always be indicated under the table. If the table has been constructed from various sources or data from other authors, all of them should be indicated.

In order to comply with the Best Practice on Equality Matters that the journal follows, the authors are requested to inform in the article, when relevant, if the original data used in the research takes into account sex, in order to allow the identification of possible differences.

b) For Research Notes 

Research notes are a concise reports to communicate aspects of research and academic issues that have no place in the journal as scientific articles. Examples include the state of the art of a new line of research, a bibliographical essay on a relevant topic, a new theory, preliminary studies that open a new interdisciplinary field and the synthesis of a debate. This section has been devised to raise awareness of the latest novelties in all areas of economic history and transversal areas. The format follows the same norms as papers. Length is limited to 3,000 words, and young researchers are particularly encouraged to send their contributions.

c) For book reviews

The book review section aims to disseminate the latest publishing news on economic history at the domestic and international level. The reviewed books and the reviewers are selected directly by the Editorial Committee. Nevertheless, publishers and authors are encouraged to send proposals of interest to the IHE-EHR audience that have been published in the last year. That said, the final decision on publication corresponds to the Editorial Committee.

Book reviews will have a maximum length of 1,200 words. Although the content of the reviews is flexible, we recommend reviewers to include a summary of the main contents of the book (theme, organization of the contents, structure of the main contents...), and an analysis of the main contributions and limitations with respect to the literature.

Regarding format: the first line will include (in bold) the details of the book: name and surname of the author; title of the book; place of publication and publisher; year of publication and number of pages, adding the ISBN of the book. The reviewer's name and academic affiliation will appear at the end of the review. We recommend the use of the third person, as well as avoiding the use of direct quotes from the book. The proposal will be sent to and the book to:

Juan Infante Amate
Departamento de Teoría e Historia Económica
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

Campus Universitario de la Cartuja, S/N
18071 Granada

Privacy Statement

De acuerdo a lo establecido en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, le informamos que los datos que nos proporcione quedarán incluidos en un fichero del que es titular la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), y que tiene por finalidad facilitar la prestación de los servicios ofrecidos desde el Repositorio Electrónico de Ciencia y Tecnología (RECYT) y gestionar la relación con los usuarios. La FECYT podrá utilizar estos datos para actividades propias de la fundación, tales como: evaluación, prospectiva, comunicaciones institucionales, así como otras actividades derivadas de la difusión y divulgación de la ciencia y la tecnología en España y la orientación de las políticas científicas y tecnológicas del país. En todo momento podrá ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición dirigiéndose a la FECYT mediante correo ordinario a la dirección C/ Rosario Pino 14-16, 28020 Madrid, indicando la referencia LOPD.