The duties of emancipation: Psychiatry and citizenship in late Francoist Spain




This article tries to reconstruct and clarify some of the causes and consequences of the climate of emancipation that, as it happened in other areas of Spanish society, seized psychiatric discourses and practices in the final years of General Franco’s dictatorship. In this way, the crystallization of a new sensibility towards the situation of people affected by mental disorders, the increasing professional demands of participation and involvement in the management of institutions and the efforts to implement more horizontal therapeutic interventions are interpreted in the framework of the emergence of a more active, assertive and inclusive civic consciousness. Taking into account the severe restriction of political rights and the repressive measures with which the regime finally faced all this wave of psychiatric dissent, the paper offers a brief final reflection on the scarce compatibility of the culture of community mental health with authoritarian sociopolitical environments and on the inevitable disenchantment caused later by the effective implementation of the processes of deinstitutionalization and psychiatric reform.


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Author Biography

Enric J. Novella , Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero de Estudios Históricos y Sociales sobre la Ciencia, Universitat de València

Profesor Titular de Historia de la Ciencia en la Universidad de Valencia e investigador del Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero de Estudios Históricos y Sociales sobre la Ciencia. Es doctor en Medicina, licenciado en Filosofía y médico especialista en Psiquiatría. Ha realizado estancias de investigación y ha sido profesor invitado en diversas instituciones académicas de Europa y América Latina. Es autor de las monografías Der junge Foucault und die Psychopathologie (2008), La ciencia del alma(2013) y El discurso psicopatológico de la modernidad(2018), así como de numerosos artículos y ensayos dedicados a la historia y la filosofía de la psiquiatría, la psicología y la medicina.





