Reformers rather than marxists. Henry M. Hyndman and Henry George: Two intellectual biographies during the prodigious decade of English socialism (1880-1890)


  • Félix Aguirre Universidad de Valparaíso



History of political thought, intellectual history, English socialism, English reformism, Henry M. Hyndmann, Henry George.


This work draws from two political biographies to summarize a moment in the intellectual debate about English Socialism during nineteenth century, to review a period that it goes from the emergence of the first party self-identified as “socialist” in the country, in 1881, to the publication of Fabian Essays, in 1889, when collectivist ideas drive a crucial generational change in the Fabian Society, central to understand the emergence of the Labour Party. We suggest that the English Socialist tradition is not based solely in a position about the coupling between the relations of production and political decision-making, but also in the championship of a number of values that are not exclusive of a particular ideological tradition, but are somehow visible in the intellectual environment of the period.


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Author Biography

Félix Aguirre , Universidad de Valparaíso

Doctor en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Valparaíso (Facultad de Humanidades, Instituto de Sociología). Director Alterno del Núcleo de Investigación sobre Cultura Política Contemporánea y Espacio Público y Miembro Permanente del Claustro del Doctorado en Estudios Interdisciplinarios de la Universidad de Valparaíso ( Durante estos últimos cinco años ha publicado diferentes trabajos relacionados con el área de investigación de la Cultura Política Contemporánea, que pueden encontrarse en las siguientes revistas de corriente principal: Revista Polis (SCIELO Chile); Revista Mexicana de Sociología (SCIELO México); Sociología e Política (SCOPUS Brasil); The Journal of Language and Politics (ISI-WOS Reino Unido); y Revista Ideas y Valores (ISI-WOS Colombia).





