
Historia y Política renueva un año más los certificados de Revista Excelente y de Buenas Prácticas de Género de la FECYT


La revista Historia y Política ha obtenido la renovación de la certificación de Revista Excelente y la Mención en Buenas Prácticas en Género otorgadas en la última convocatoria de Evaluación de Revistas Científicas de la FECYT, y que tiene vigencia hasta 2024.

Read more about Historia y Política renueva un año más los certificados de Revista Excelente y de Buenas Prácticas de Género de la FECYT

Current Issue

No. 52 (2024): July-December
					View No. 52 (2024): July-December


Commitment and intergenerational relationships between women

Published: 2024-12-02


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The journal History and Politics was created in 1999 as an initiative of the Departments of History linked to the Faculties of Political Science and Sociology of the University Complutense of Madrid and of UNED. This journal is dedicated to politics in history: the ideas, movements, processes and protagonists. It emphasizes interpretative renewal, comparative analysis and the complementary use of social sciences. This interdisciplinary territory, together with the dialogue between contemporary political debate and the analysis of the past, confers the uniqueness of History and Politics within Spanish-speaking historiography. Each edition consists of a monographic section coordinated by a specialist, a selection of research articles, plus a ‘state-of-the-art’ section and reviews of books. History and Politics has a distinguished reputation for quality and is a highly regarded publication in academic circles. 
Historia y Política meets the LATINDEX criteria for scientific journals and is indexed in SCOPUS and the Web of Science (WOS): Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) and the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). It is also included in ERIH PLUS and the specialized databases Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life. The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has awarded Historia y Política its certificate of “Excellence” in the Fifth Edition of the Scientific and Editorial Quality of Spanish Scientific Journals (2016).